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MRI - technique
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Grading sacroiliitis
MRI-Spine sequences/planes
MRI - spinal changes
Grading spinal changes
Grading methods

Grading of inflammatory spinal changes is used to monitor the disease, especially in scientific studies.

Several MRI grading systems for spinal SpA changes have been developed, but the most widely used today are the SPARCC (Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada) MRI Spine Inflammation Index and the Berlin method.

SPARCC method

Grading of inflammatory spinal changes is used to monitor the disease, especially in scientific studies.

Several MRI grading systems for spinal SpA changes have been developed, but the most widely used today are the SPARCC (Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada) MRI Spine Inflammation Index and the Berlin method.

SPARCC method

The SPARCC Index divides each discovertebral unit (DVU) into four vertebral quadrants which are assessed for presence/absence of BME with additional scores for intensity and depth. This is done on three consecutive slices and provide a score of 0-18 per DVU. It has been used for the 6 worst affected DVUs or for all DVUs, doi:10.1002/art.21337; doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32463-2

Definition and grading of structural changes have been elaborated within the Canada-Denmark MRI working group, likewise related to each DVU, but also including posterior elements, doi:10.3899/jrheum.090617

Drawings illustrating the division of a discovertebral unit for scoring activity and an example of a scoring sheet.

Berlin method
The Berlin method provides an activity score of 0–3 per DVU and was later amended to allow assessment of inflammation at the posterior segments with a score of 0–2, in addition to assessment of erosions, fatty bone marrow deposition and bone proliferation, each with a score of 0–3 per DVU, doi:10.1016/J.SEMARTHRIT.2015.08.005; doi:10.1136/ard.2010.139667.
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